Monday, September 30, 2019

Child sexual abuse victims Essay

I. STATEMENT OF THE PROBLEM Sexual abuse of children is a harsh fact of life in our society. Child sexual abuse is a form of child abuse in which an adult or older adolescents uses a child for sexual stimulation. Forms of child sexual abuse includes asking or pressuring a child to engage in sexual activates, regardless of the outcome, indecent exposure to a child with intent to gratify their own sexual desire or to intimidate or groom the child, physically sexual contact with child or using a child to produce child pornography. A child abuse victim can result in both short – term and long-term harm physically and emotionally. What would you do if you knew a child who became a victim? That’s a question everyone should be ready to answer if they want to protect our future generations. A. DEFINITIONS There is no universal definition for CHILD SEXUAL ABUSE VICTIM(S). However, a major characteristic of any abuse is the dominant position of an adult that allows him or her to force or coerce a child into sexual activity. Child sexual abuse may include fondling a child’s genitals, masturbation, oral-genital contact, digital penetration, and vaginal and anal intercourse. (â€Å"American psychological association,† 2011) Other forms of abuse can also occur that are not as easy to detect. These include showing adults’ genitals to a child, showing the child pornographic or â€Å"dirty† pictures or videotapes, or using the child as a model to make pornographic materials. (â€Å"Child advocacy resources†) A victim of child abuse suffers from PSYCHOLOGICAL EFFECTS that have an immediate emotion. These effects of abuse cause isolation, fear and an inability to trust. This can translate into lifelong consequences, including low self-esteem, depression, and relationship difficulties. Researchers have identified links between child abuse and poor mental and emotional health, Cognitive difficulties, and Social difficulties. In one long-term study, 80 percent of young adults who were abused met the diagnostic criteria for at least one psychiatric disorder by age 21. Some problems include depression, anxiety, eating disorders, and suicide attempts. Other psychological and emotional effects include panic attacks, attention-deficit/ hyperactive disorder, depression, anger, and posttraumatic stress. (Child Welfare Information Gateway, 2008) PHYSICAL EFFECTS are defined, as immediate physical abuse can be relatively minor, such as bruises or cuts. It can also be very severe such as broken bones, hemorrhage, or even death. Physical effects in some cases can be temporary, however the pain and suffering they cause a child should not be discounted. Several studies have shown adults who experience abuse or neglect during childhood is more likely to suffer from physical ailments such as allergies, arthritis, asthma, bronchitis, and high blood pressure. (Child Welfare Information Gateway, 2008) B. STATISTICS 1. VULNERABILITY In over 90 percent of child sexual abuses causes, the offender is known and trusted by the victim. â€Å"Grooming† is the process used by the offend ender to recruiter and prepare a child for sexual victimization. It starts when the offender targets a specific child. While all children are at risk for victimization, certain factors make some children more vulnerable to sexual abuse than others. For example, a child is especially susceptible if he or she feels unloved, has low self-esteem, has little contact with committed adults or regularly spends time unsupervised. Sex offenders commonalty  engage children by spending time with them, playing games with them, and showing them special attention or giving them gifts. Older children or teens may be offered drugs or alcohol. Offenders forge an emotional bond through frequent contact, positive interaction and by conveying the child or teen that they â€Å"understand† or can appreciate their interests and concerns. In time the emotional bond leads to non-sexual physical contact which can take the form of physical play such as wrestling, affection, touching etc. In this way the offender tests the child’s boundaries, gradually turning into sexual touch. Usually if the child is older the child starts to become uncomfortable or fearful of the sexual activity. Offenders typically threat the child to keep them from speaking up. Most child victims are caught in a web of fear, guilt and confusion as a result of the sex offender’s grooming and manipulation. Sadly, many child victims remain silent about their abuse. (Bisquera) 2. INDICATORS OF CHILD SEXUAL ABUSE Indicators of child sexual abuse are varied and should always be considered in the context of what else is happening in a child’s life. Any one indicator, on its own, is a sign that something may be impacting a child’s well being. Some behavior indicators can be unexplained change in a child’s comfort level (either attachment or fear) around any person in a position of trust. They could show abrupt changes in performance in school or home. A significant difference in the way the child socializes. For younger children, a sudden loss of skills could be a red flag. A child who was toilet trained could start wetting the bed. Abuse can an also include sexual behavior, often in front of others, such as self-exposure, masturbation, touching others peoples private parts, sexual language. In older children or teens this might be seen as promiscuous behavior. Physical indicators such as bruises, scratches, irritation/ itching around genitals that are not consistent with explanations of how they happened. A victim who is not sexually active could show signs of sexual transmitted diseases, such as crabs, herpes, and gonorrhea. They could also experience tenderness or soreness around areas of penetration. Finding blood in their stool or urine should also cause some concern when it is not explained by other conditions. Underwear is often where proof of abuse may exist. (Bisquera) C. EXPERT STATEMENTS 1. FREQUENCY OF OCCURRENCE Overall cases of child sexual abuse fell more than 60 percent from 1992 to 2010, according to David Finkelhor, a leading expert on sexual abuse. The evidence for this decline comes from a variety of indicators. It includes national surveys of child abuse and crime victimization. The crime statistics are compiled by the F.B.I analysis of data from the National Data Archive On Child Abuse and Neglect and annual surveys of school students in Minnesota. All of the data pointed in the same direction. From 1990 to 2010 cases of sexual abuse dropped from 23 per 10,000 children to 8.6 per 10,000 children. All of the subjects were under the age of 18. Researches found a 62 percent decrease. There was a 3 percent drop from 2009 to 2010. The Minnesota Student Survey also reported a 29 percent decline in reports of sexual abuse by an adult who was not a family member from1992 to 2010. They also saw a 28 percent drop in reports of sexual abuse by a family member. At the same time, the willingness of children to report sexual abuses has increased. They found that in 50 percent of sexual abuse cases, the child’s victimization had been reported to an authority, compared with 25 percent in 1992. (Goode, 2012) 2. COMMON MOTIVES OF OFFENDERS Studies on who commits child sexual abuse vary in their findings, but the most common finding is that the majority of sexual offenders are family members or is otherwise known to the child. Sexual abuse by strangers is not nearly as common as sexual abuse by a family member. Reasearch further shows that men perpetrate most instances of sexual abuse, but there are cases that women are the offenders. Despite a common myth, Homosexual men are not more likely to sexually abuse children than heterosexual men. (â€Å"American psychological association,† 2011) About 73% of child sexual abusers report experiencing sexual abuse in their own childhood. Not all pedophiles are child molesters. Pedophilia is a clinical term that describes a person who has had repeated arousing fantasies, sexual urges, or behaviors related to sexual activities with children for at least six months. Pedophiles do not  necessarily have to act on their urges. Sexual offenders have the same attraction to children, but they act on their urges. Sexual offenders come from all backgrounds and social classes. They do their best to become friends with parents, and then they work to gain the child’s trust. (â€Å"†64 facts of†¦Ã¢â‚¬  2012) II. REVIEW OF THE LITERATURE A. HISTORY 1. THE RISE OF PUBLIC CONCERN Public concern about child abuse has steadily increased. The number of referrals to child protection services in recent years has risen every year since the 1960s. It is not clear if the increase of reporting is due to a higher incident of abuse or a widening of the definition of abuse. (Eileen, 2008) Sexual abuse of children was not taken seriously until 1964 when congress passed the Child Abuse and Prevent and Treatment Act. This established reporting requirements of suspected cases. Among some experts there was a tendency to deny that sexual abuse had lasting consequences. Researchers have now found that there are long-term emotional problems that surface. (Mintz,2012) A contributing factor to the growing public concern is also widely publicized deaths. Although the field of child protection services date back to the nineteenth century, public concern has rarely reached the present level of intensity. (Polsky, 1991) 2. CIVIL LAWSUITS Child abuse statues have been enacted in most states to provide civil immunity for those making good faith reports of suspected child abuse. Most states also provide immunity from criminal liability. Physicians, nurses and social workers are required to report suspected child abuse that comes before them in some states failure to report a case carries criminal penalties as well as civil liability. B. KEY ISSUES 1. WHAT ARE THE EFFECTS OF CHILD SEXUAL ABUSE? There are short term and long-term impacts of sexual child abuse. Depression, anxiety, amnesia, disengagement and numbing are just a few have the psychological and emotional responses victims’ experience. As children become adults they can suffer intimacy disturbance, making it hard for them to physically and emotionally have a healthy relationship. Suicidal thoughts and co-dependence are also long-term impacts of sexual abuse. WHAT TO DO IF YOU THINK A CHILD YOU KNOW HAS BEEN THE VICTIM OF CHILD ABUSE Speak up but choose the time and place carefully. Do not ask the child about his or her abuse in front of the person you think may be abusing the child. Ask them questions. Find out if anyone has been making them feel uncomfortable. They many not know they are being abused themselves or know its wrong. Follow up on whatever made you concerned. Ask in a non-judgmental way – using the word â€Å"I† rather than â€Å"you† so they don’t feel shamed. Building a trusting relationship with the child is also important. They should know how to say â€Å"no† and when something does make them feel uncomfortable, they should tell a trusted adult. Most importantly, children should know that some parts of their body are private. (RAINN, 2009) PROVING SEXUAL ABUSE Many child abuse cases must be proved using circumstantial evidence because direct evidence is not available. In many instances, the child is unable to tell what happened, and the offender does not ordinarily disclose the truth. Inferences are therefore very important in providing child abuse. Some sexual abuse requires proof of forcible compulsion. When the victim is a child, the child abuses often submits to the advances of adults who have parental or similar authorities over the child. (Tomas J., 2010) C. MOST RECENT RESEARCH 1. UNDERREPORTED AND LIGHTLY PROSECUTED Child abuse is greatly underreported and under estimated mostly because of the lack of an agreed- upon definition of abuse. Underreporting is related to several factors. Children over the age of 5 often care for or know their abuser. Therefore, they find themselves trapped between the need for affection and a sense that something is wrong. Cases of sexual child abuse are often lightly prosecuted because of minimal communication between  the prosecutors office and child protected services. 2. POSSIBLE COMPLICATIONS Some children overcome the physical and physiological effects of child abuse. Those with strong social support can adapt and cope with bad experiences. For many others, however, child abuse has lifelong consequences, For example, child abuse may result in physical, behavioral, emotion and mental issues. Some physical issues include disabilities and health problems. Abuse of others or frequent, causal sex with many different partners (sexual promiscuity) or teen pregnancy is an example of behavioral issues. Emotional issues can include low self-esteem, difficulty establishing or maintaining relationship, challenges with intimacy and trust. (Mayo Clinic, 2010) D. INFORMATION FOR THE EXPERTS 1. RESEARCH REGARDING PREVENTION STRATEGIES FROM EXPERTS Experts suggest correcting the imbalance between adult and children by empowering children. First off information is power. Children who know their own bodies are more likely to choose when, how, and by whom they are touched. Self esteem building and experts also suggest self-defense skills. Lastly children need resources. They should have a network of trusted adults they can turn to. (Torbin,2002) 2. PROTECTING CHILDREN FROM SEXUAL ABUSE The first step in protecting children from sexual abuse is recognizing telltale symptoms. Changes in attitude and rebellion at school could point to an underling problem. It is important to educated children about their body parts by understanding what is private. Adults need to be aware of their child’s surrounding at school or in a childcare setting. Parents should educate themselves on ‘red flags’ to protect their child from sexual abuse. III. SUMMARY A. DISCUSSION OF FINDINGS 1. ABOUT RESEARCH Despite our prevention effort, much more must be done to decrease the incidents of child abuse and neglect. Our efforts should be directed to changes in the helping system, changes in society, and additional research. One of the hopes for the future lies in research, not only to further define and understand abuse but also to evaluate existing programs. Only though out commitment to change and our willingness to research what will create a better future will we combat the growing problem of sexual child abuse. 2. ABOUT PROGRAMS With child protection agencies are responsible for direct intervention form investigation and case management. These agencies can be hampered if there is not communicatory and public support for their work, which includes offering programs to help prevent child sexual abuse. There needs to be more extensive community awareness and education to reduce harm. B. SOCIETY’S CONCERN WITH CRIME Society is helping the system make changes in order to reduce the rate of child abuse. Research is needed to further define and understand abuse. Evaluation is also needed for the existing programs. Commitment to change and willingness to research will create a better future to combat the growing problem of sexual child abuse. IV. CONCLUSION A. THE PROBLEM REVISITED WITH OPINIONS Child abuse is always been a problem, and in recent year it has made its way to the spotlight. Many people are willing to talk about them being a victim as a child. The more people feel comfortable talking about child sexual abuse. The less it will become a crime. Children become victims because of their vulnerability of trusting adults and unaware of the wrong. If you think a child you know has been a victim of child sexual abuse thing you can do is to give the child a safe environment in which to talk to you or another trusted adult. Encourage the child to talk about what he or she has  experienced, but be careful not to suggest events to him or her that may not of happened. Reassure the child that they did not do anything wrong. Seek mental assistance for the child. Being aware that many states laws require that persons who know or have a reason to suspect that a child has been sexual abuses must report that abuse to either a local law informant officials or child protection officials. Our future generation needs to feel protected from being a victim of child sexual abuse. B. SUGGESTION OF POSSIBLE SOLUTIONS. 1. PROGRAMS The best way to prevent child abuse is educate parents about child abuse. Most parents feel that this could never happen to them. When it happens the parents are in shock, but when they learn some warning signs, they are able to point them out. There are many free programs that can teach parents how to educate their children on protecting themselves from child abuse. The reality is when there are budget cuts; these programs that protect our future generations are the first to get cut. 2. POLICY Having Policy’s in school districts and childcare environments can be the solution to protecting children. One suggestion would be to have restrictions on when and where is acceptable for a child to alone with adult. This policy does not only protect the child, but it protects the adult from false accusations. 3. LAWS Laws against child sexual abuse can very by country. Based on the local definition of who is a child and what constitutes sexual abuse. As the age of the consent to sexual behaviors varies from country to country, so do definitions of child sexual abuse. An adult’s sexual intercourse with a minor below the legal age of consent may sometimes be referred to statutory rape based on the principle that any apparent consent by a minor could not be considered legal consent. References _American psychological association_. (2011). Retrieved February 20, 2013, from A.D.A.M. (2012). _New york times_. Retrieved February 20, 2013, from Bisquera, A. _Child sexual abuse_. Retrieved February 20, 2013, from child-sexual-abuse.aspx _Child advocacy resource and consultation center_. (n.d.). Retrieved February 20, 2013, from Child Welfare Information Gateway. (2008). _Factsheets_. Retrieved February 20, 2013, from Eileen , M. (2008). (2nd ed.). Thousand Oaks, California: SAGE Publications. Retrieved April 1, 2013 from of public concern child abuse&hl=en&sa=X&ei=n4tQUdO1OqHQiwKnqICQCw&ved=0CFMQ6AEwBg Goode, E. (2012, June 28). Researchers see decline in child sexual abuse rate. Retrieved February 20, 2013, from of-child-sexual- abuse-on-the-decline.html?_r=0 Mayo Clinic. (2010, July 1). _Child abuse: Complications_. Retrieved April 1, 2013 from Mintz, S. (2012, July 13). Placing childhood sexual abuse in historical perspective. Retrieved April 1, 2013 from n-historical-perspective/ Polsky, A. (1991). _The rise of the therapeutic state_. (1st ed.). Princeton, New Jersey: Princeton University Press. Retrieved April 1, 2013 from of public concern child abuse&hl=en&sa=X&ei=n4tQUdO1OqHQiwKnqICQCw&ved=0CF4Q6AEwCA RAINN. (2009). _Child sexual abuse_. Retrieved April 1, 2013 from information/types-of-sexual-assault/child-sexual-abuse/if-you-suspect Sue , A. M. (1996). _The reality of abuse_. Retrieved February 20, 2013, from Tomas J., G. (2010). _Criminal evidence: Principles and cases_. (7th ed.). Belmont, CA: Wadsworth. Retrieved April 1, 2013 from sexual abuse&hl=en&sa=X&ei=G6ZQUaqVF8LJigKV_IDICg&ved=0CEMQ6AEwAw (2012). â€Å"64 facts of.. child sexual abuse. Retrieved February 20, 2013, from

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Anthropology and Sociology Study Essay

1. The sociological perspective, as a way of thinking about the world, includes the sociological imagination from C. Wright Mills, the beginner’s mind from Bernard McGrane, and the idea of culture shock from anthropology. Explain what all three of these concepts have in common. Response: All three of these concepts have in common are the idea of breaking down social barriers to gain a different perspective on culture people and behaviors. When a person is in a new area where the culture is different it is betters to break down walls and keep an open mind they all deal with society and the differences they may have compared to the one a person is accustomed to. 2. Sociologists often have to decide if they are going to adopt a microsociological or a macrosociological approach in any given project. Explain how these perspectives differ, paying special attention to the different assumptions about how society works that are contained within each perspective. In other words, considering the starting point of each perspective, what do they seek to reveal? Response: the way in Macrosociology and microsociology differ are that they deal with different societal issues for example Macrosociology deals with issues of bigger groups that affect effect the whole such as health care, war, and the economy and microsociology is looking more at the small everyday interactions with individuals or smaller groups. For examples family or schools and other small interactions 3. Compare and contrast conflict theory with structural functionalism. Pay special attention to the way each theory treats the origin of social change. Response: Conflict theory and structural functionalism are similar in a sense where everyone can agree that someone or group has more money or power in a society. They are similar in ideas of a structured society. Where they are different is where is stems from the problem of inequality conflict theory is the notion of when people feel that a certain group has to much power and the resources aren’t distributed properly. Structural functionalism feels  that because of this imbalance in power and money (social class, heirarchey,) there is balance and order in society. 4. Symbolic interactionism is a micro-level approach to sociology. It sees face-to-face interactions as the building blocks of larger social institutions. Describe how individuals interacting with each other produce larger social institutions. Pick an example and describe how specific social acts can, when repeated by many people, produce large-scale social structures. Response: Symbolic interactionism is the process of a micro scale situation that deals with action, meaning, and, change. For example if I received a new puppy and decide to take her on a walk so becomes familiar with her environment, and another person congrats me for exercising the dog. That meaning affects change because it now gives me another reason to take my dog out for a walk. My initial reason for taking my dog out was so she can become familiar with her area if gets lost but because of that interaction with another person it gave me another reason or meaning to take her out. 5. Symbolic interactionism focuses on communication and meaning. According to symbolic interactionism, describe how meaningful reality is created. Respone: Meaning ful reality is not inherent it is not something that is innate or given meaningful reality is created through interaction between two or more people. 6. Structural functionalism attempts to explain the social world through the functions of social structures. Describe the types of functions that social structures can fulfill. Response: structural functionalism can be compared to that of the human body you need all individual parts working together to function properly. For example the food industry. The food industry is a system that allows people to buy fresh produce this system is needed because in a society where there is no access to farming and growing their own food. 7. According to Karl Marx, what is the relationship between the economy and other parts of society, including intellectual, religious, and political life? Karl Marx believes that a capitalistic society separates the rich from the poor. corporations that holds the money hold the power to dictate whether certain fucntions of society. 8. Describe the main features of postmodern social theory, and explain both positive and negative reactions to these features. Response: The main features of postmodern social theory is that it is diverse pluralistic and contingent. The positives reactions towards this theory cognitive relativism which can be summed up to the that conventional truth is illusory and that culture and language create valid and subjective realities. The negatives of postmodernism is that everything is fragmented there is no order claims to truth and stability. 9. If you were feeling very generous to shoe manufacturers, you might argue that the manifest function of the production of newer and more expensive athletic shoes is to increase athletic performance. For a moment, let’s not be generous. Explain another manifest function of the appearance of new athletic shoes, as well as at least two latent functions. Response: another purpose of the manifest function could be to showcase the increased comfort of the shoe by having extra footing on the bottom of the shoe one of the latent functions. Two unintended latent functions could be the stitching and the quality of materials on the shoe and also the design and how the color work cohesively together. 10. Identify and describe the most pessimistic elements of the theories of the classical sociological thinkers—Marx, Durkheim, and Weber. Which presents the most pessimistic vision of modernity? Response: Marx, Durkheim and, Weber all had pessimistic views. Marx believed that most of the power and wealth went to corporations and other groups in power. While Weber believed that â€Å"contemporary life was filled with disenchantment.† Weber Want society to move more towards an  Industrial society . he was concerned with the work ethic and, productivity of human society. Durkheims Veiw was that no matter what city or place that you are from t people create bonds. Those bonds maybe different because of the area, or cultures but nonetheless bonds are always created he also felt that in a more industrial are bonds were created by the work they were performing. 11. As far back as Auguste Comte, the theorist who coined the term â€Å"sociology,† it has been assumed by many sociologists that objectivity is important in studying society. Describe the assumptions surrounding the role objectivity plays in sociology. Response: reductionism, testability, measurement,reproducibility 12. Every discipline that does research on humans needs a code of ethics in order to protect its research subjects. While it’s easy to see that medical research could harm people if not carried out ethically, the risks associated with sociological research may seem more subtle. Describe these risks. Response: the risk of research could stem from the fact that the structure of society may be mislead with wrong information to diagnose something or a certain situation with the worng information could be detrimental on the function of society. 13. In physics, the Heisenberg uncertainty principle states that to measure something is also to change it. Sociologists have observed a similar phenomenon—reactivity. Describe the classic example of reactivity, observed and explained by Elton Mayo at the Western Electric Hawthorne Plant between 1927 and1932. Response: the classic example of the reactivity method is when research changes the behavior of the participant which can change the productivity of the person or group of people 14. In recent years, ethnography has expanded beyond academic and scientific disciplines and is now often used for commercial purposes. Explain how  ethnographic methods can help advertisers. Response: Ethnographic methods can help advertisers because if they can study and research their targeted customers and see what the consumers like and don’t like they alter their methods on how to advertise their product to improve business. 15. Social researchers, especially ethnographers, sometimes find themselves faced with complicated moral dilemmas. Chapter 2 describes the case of the ethnographer John Van Maanen, who was subpoenaed to testify about the actions of police officers he had been studying. What did Van Maanen feel was his most important moral obligation? Why? Response: he felt that the police were starting to abuse their power instead of assisting people, they started to become the bully’s he feels we need to watch out for them because they are becoming more aggressive their motives have changed from become a community service to more of an US versus them mentality. 16. Describe the series of steps that the scientific method or approach argues will allow researchers to acquire and verify empirical knowledge. Response: ask a question,do background research,construct a hypothesis,test the hypothesis,analyze your data,communicate your results

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Scene analysis Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 2

Scene analysis - Assignment Example Based on sounds effects, the producer has utilized love and cultural music backgrounds that provide the audience with similar themes to those presented by the characters. The scene offers the audience with an insight of the themes and characterization aspects in the movie. The segment also provides a general overview of the film due to the presence of the main characters and an example of what happens to most of the mistresses after joining the royal family. Visual themes (Mise en scà ¨ne) have also had the effect of providing a perfect scene in terms of costumes, lighting, design and color (Maslin). The scene also serves as part of the movie’s title due to the presence of the red lanterns that have to be lit after any of the mistresses spends the night with Chen. The selected part also presents knowledge on the use of the lanterns during the welcoming and preparing the new mistresses to the family. Additionally, the scene has presents love and Chinese cultural themes that prevail in the film. The scene has a close relationship with the film’s production due to its design. The segment has utilized most of the aspects of productions as set by the director, mostly the movie’s title. There is the presence of editing benefits since most of the scenes includes the same setting; hence, reducing costs in the production of the movie. The audience is also thrilled by the background of the movie based on the Chinese culture and a connecting with the movie’s title. The scene has exposed a variety of themes that have been portrayed in the entire film. For instance, poverty and dissatisfaction that are present in other segments of the movie have been strongly presented in the scene. The red lanterns act as symbols of Songlians suffering from the introduction of the film. Additionally, the scene present’s part of the title, proving the audience with

Friday, September 27, 2019

American and Chinese economies Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

American and Chinese economies - Research Paper Example China and the United States economies are both the strongest economies in the world and despite the major differences they have, the major economic challenges they face are actually similar. Both countries have bifurcated economies with challenges in providing middle-class employment with talent shortage at the top while middle-class workers do not have jobs. China has 40percent unemployment rate while graduates in America are facing tough job markets. Another similarity is in education reforms, in America education programs to meet the high employment rate are not well structured, and China, on the other hand, has many engineers but they lack creative thinkers. The tax reforms in both economies create an imbalance the economy. The United States economy is the best national economy in the world. The United States dollar is the most utilized cash especially for universal exchange. It has an economy that is blended and it has managed to keep the gross domestic product steady for decade s now  (Jorgenson & Wessner, 2014). China, on the other hand, has a socialist market economy and it embraces predominance of an open market economy and a state possessed area. In China, the government possesses all property while in America private individuals own property. China outpaces America in population, while America has a long way to go to the extent of the population. China has the high level of inequality but it is concerned with poverty reduction, while America has worst poverty levels.

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Reflection Paper on The Global Idea of the Commons by Nonini Donald Essay - 1

Reflection Paper on The Global Idea of the Commons by Nonini Donald - Essay Example Despite all the differences in terms of cultural and religious beliefs, the early colonists made a wise decision to band together no matter what, against the threat of Indian raids and harsh winters. They had decided to help each other for the common good of everyone on the new colonies. Inherent in the concept of interdependency is the idea that all kinds of resources are to be taken cared of, that good stewardship of these resources should be undertaken for young or succeeding generations to likewise benefit from. This applies to material resources in early human history, such as forest lands and the resources found within it, clean and safe drinking water from rivers and lakes for human use and agricultural applications, the mineral resources that can be extracted from beneath the ground and all types of flora and fauna. The idea is that each resource should be maximized and given enough time, to replenish itself such that it can be used again and again without threat of depletion; example of this is fishing. People are also aware of the need to conserve non-renewable resources like oil so everyone can benefit. The availability of common-pool resources have existed since time immemorial but this has been threatened since the Industrial Revolution came about and the rise of capitalism, in which greed and individualism became paramount. Previously, people had devised ways or means by which to manage these resource through social or institutional arrangements for the long-term benefit of everybody without necessarily depleting these resources and thereby can manage to avoid the so-called â€Å"tragedy of the commons† by unfettered competition. This was done mainly through their cultural, social and maybe even religious practices by which most natural resources are only held in trust, as stewards, for the next generations to come. This is proven even in the marginal ecological zones over

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Law Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Law - Term Paper Example The disastrous effects of these truths could carry forward into our future life which needs to be averted. (150 Words) Outline: Our present energy resources may not last long due to high rate of usage and unbridled consumption, especially by the industrial sectors. Therefore it has become necessary to seek new and alternative means for addressing this issue and providing means of its alleviation and mitigation, if not a long term solution that could effectively deal with this current issue. Developing several ways and means by which the dependence and funds spend on fossil fuels and contemporary energy sources could be reduced and innovative ideas leading to outsourcing of alternative energy sourcing could be developed and gainfully employed. Innovating and development may take time and resources. It is a long drawn process which requires sustained efforts and investments. It is also necessary to develop newer techniques through which existing energy resources could be optimized and effective control measures taken to limit its ineffective and inefficient use, through innovation. Introduction: The subject of seeking alternative and substitute means of generating energy resources needs to be seen in the context of depleting resources, due to mismanagement and slack control mechanism which does not address the core issues. Although much has been said about the need to tackle energy crisis on a war footing and seek renewable and alternative areas like harnessing wind, solar or nuclear energy for the advancement of human society, there are many areas in which improvements could be made for achieving such objectives. In the first place, there is legislation in place that is designed to control the use of energy. This is done by creating hybrid or alternative fuel usage in vehicles. It is planned that by year 2018, nearly 50% of

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

The extinction of Chinese Sturgeons Research Paper

The extinction of Chinese Sturgeons - Research Paper Example This is considered the longest migration of up to 3200kms up the Yangtze River (Meadows). Although the females can carry an excess of a million eggs in one cycle, their reproductive capacity in each cycle is very poor. They breed only three to four times in their lifetime with a survival rate to hatching at only 1% (Zhuang). As earlier stated the Chinese sturgeon is largely dispersed along the main streams of the Yangtze River and the coastal areas of Qiantang, Minjiang and also the Pearl River. The Chinese sturgeons feed on most aquatic animals for example the aquatic insects, larvae, diatoms and the humic substances. The Chinese sturgeon is highly sensitive to increased noise on the river which is caused by the growing river traffic and are generally vulnerable to death and injury by boat propellers (Chen). The Chinese sturgeon has a habit of upstream migration; they migrate up rivers for reproduction once they reach sexual maturity. Most of the sturgeons will spawn in the fresh waters and then migrate to the salt waters to mature and breed their young. The primitive nature of the Chinese sturgeon sets it apart as a great academic interest in taxonomy and biology. It is for this reason that the Chinese government has devised ways to breed and preserve this endangered species. It is classified as China’s most protected Animals. In 1982 the Chinese Government built a Museum in the Chinese sturgeon institution which is used for artificial breeding procedures to try and preserve the endangered Chinese sturgeon, The Chinese Sturgeon Museum is located in a small island known as Xiaoxita in the Huangbo River within the district of Yiling. This reserve is one of Chinas several conservation programs that is geared towards the preservation of this endangered species (Birstein V). To also reduce the threats against the Chinese sturgeons, the Government of china took the initiative of closing commercial fishing since the year

Monday, September 23, 2019

How influential is the United Nation to protect and implement the Dissertation

How influential is the United Nation to protect and implement the death penalty in regards to human rights - Dissertation Example Moreover, the nations aimed to achieve better standards of living, human rights and social progress. The UN has a unique international nature and it can intervene in a wide range of issues. It also provides a forum for its Member States to voice their opinion. This is facilitated by the General Assembly, the Security Council, and the other committees and bodies.1 Moreover, the influence of the UN is felt all over the world. The UN performs humanitarian assistance, conflict prevention, peacekeeping and peacebuilding. In addition, the UN and its system affect the world and tend to improve it. A large number of issues are dealt with by the UN. Some of these include, environment and refugee protection, sustainable development, disaster relief, counter terrorism, gender equality, human rights, governance, improving food production and the promotion of democracy. 2 In addition, the international human rights and humanitarian law clearly prohibit torture and cruel, inhuman or degrading trea tment or punishment. This prohibition applies to all the states and is independent of their treaty obligations. Several of the international and regional treaties have clearly included this prohibition. The regional systems and the UN have declared that some features of the death penalty cannot be permitted. These aspects have been considered to be cruel, inhuman and degrading treatment or punishment. 3 Some examples are the manner in which death row inmates are kept in their cells; the torment of being under the never ending threat of execution; and the confidential nature of the imposition of the death penalty. These factors have a tremendous effect upon the condemned person and his family. As a result, the UN Human Rights Committee addressed the states with the death penalty. It asked them to improve the conditions of detention of the individuals on death row.4 Such improvements had to comply with the requirements specified in the International Convention on Civil and Political R ights (ICCPR). Furthermore, the UN Human Rights Committee had declared unwarranted delay in informing a convicted person of a stay in execution, as an instance of cruel, inhuman and degrading treatment. Moreover, the UN Human Rights Committee has made a recommendation. This suggests that the condemned and their families are to be informed reasonably and sufficiently in advance regarding the date and time of the execution.5 Such advance notice, would provide them with sufficient time to prepare for the occurrence. In this regard, the important organs of the United Nations and their functions are described below. Functioning of the UN The principal bodies of the UN are the General Assembly, Security Council, Economic and Social Council, Trusteeship Council, International Court of Justice and Secretariat. Among these the Security Council is responsible for international peace and security. Consequently, the Security Council may conduct a meeting, whenever a threat to international peac e and security is perceived.6 These six bodies do not have the same

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Analyzing Success in the Stories of Martin Dressler and Robert Irwin Essay Example for Free

Analyzing Success in the Stories of Martin Dressler and Robert Irwin Essay When I first read Martin Dressler: The Tale of An American Dreamer, I thought it was a very inspiring book. It talked about the life of an individual whose hardwok and perseverance took him to the top of his dreams. Well, it can be inspiring in some way. Holding to your dreams and trying your best is one of the main themes of the story. However, after I finished the book, I realized that it was not as inspiring as I thought it is. For me, it is now a book that tells something about the bitter side of life and success. It exposes one of the painful things this world is trying to conceal—that success is the golden crown of an empty heart. From the story of Martin Dressler, I realized that success is not as great as what most of us think and dream of. Success is a traitor that kidnaps the people’s opportunities to be happy with the one they love. Once success has kidnapped you, it will ask for your most precious possession—your family—as its ransom. As Martin Dressler moves to the top of his ladder of success, he also moves down to the pit of his decaying family. Following his dreams was indeed an achievement for him, but it was also the same thing that leads him to a miserable family life. In my opinion, most of us share the same situation with Martin Dressler. I, myself, have also experienced to be kidnapped by success. When I started college, which I consider as one of my greatest achievements because not everyone could have the access to good education, I noticed that I was becoming too busy with my studies that I almost forgot to spend some quality time with my family. I got too blinded with the achievement that I was holding with my hand. During that time, I feared that I might lose the chance to be in college if I would not get serious with my schooling. As a result, I spent most of my time inside my room and in the library studying. Until one day, my mother asked me to have a conversation with her. From that, I learned how fast my relationship with them has changed since I went to college. I realized my mistake and from then on, I incorporated good time management to my everyday life. For me, success can never bring danger if one knows how to manage his time well. Success can never betray you if you know how to deal with it. Another thing that I noticed with the character of Martin Dressler is his great ability to make things happen. If examined, he started barely from anything. His perseverance was very admirable, especially during in his time when only the rich people could afford to put up a business like what he had. On my own opinion, though, hardwork and perseverance is not enough. One’s character is not the only thing that matters when following a dream. A person should not think that he can achieve success by relying solely on his own. He should also consider the people around him. Through building good relationships with people, one can have a better reach of his dreams. Everyone of us is a dreamer. Most of our dreams are actually an American dream. To be successful is not bad. To be on top of our achievements is not selfishness. However, I realized that if we let our dreams to be our masters, the more it is hard for us to achieve them. Our dreams are our navigator to the place where we want to be in the future. But they should never be the center of our life for we might miss the real treasure—our family. Meanwhile, another book shares almost the same things of Martin Dressler’s story—Seeing is Forgetting the Name of the Thing One Sees, presenting the life of the American installation artist Robert Irwin. Although both characters have opposing personalities and were born in two different time frames, Martin Dressler and Robert Irwin still share the same experiences and philosophy in life. Both of their stories are a representation of a fulfilled dream—Dressler in achieving his dream of becoming a successful businessman, and Irwin in achieving his dream of finding the best field where he excels at. The two biographical writers namely Steven Millhauser and Lawrence Weschler, however, used two different approaches in portraying Dressler and Irwin. Millhauser, in his book The Tale of an American Dreamer, has included not only the beautiful and inspiring aspect of Dressler’s life but also the downside effect of the success he achieved. This was not incorporated by Weschler in presenting the life of Irwin. For me, his book simply narrates how Irwin started to have interest in the field of arts, how he became a painter, how he became inquisitive with his artistic limitations, and how he finally got his way to the field of installation art. Reading the first few pages of the book Seeing is Forgetting the Name of the Thing One Sees, I easily got hooked into it. The first part was describing Irwin’s childhood and the people and the kind of environment that mainly influenced him. However, as I continue reading, I felt alienated in the way Weschler describing things on Irwin’s craft. Sometimes, I found myself clueless of what he was narrating. Probably it is because I have no idea at all with some of the jargons in painting and installation art. There were some words that I did not understand and required me to research about them. The book, for me, seems a little bit technical if compared to the book The Tale of an American Dreamer. Analyzing the main character’s life, though, leads me to conclude that his story is nevertheless the same as ours. In some point in our lives, we get confused on which path it is that we really will be taking. Everday, we are confronted with many choices, from the time we awake up to the time we take rest. It then makes me wonder how people make choices, specifically the right ones. What could be their criteria? In my own point of view, people make their choices by selecting the option where they would feel greater happiness or fulfillment. But depending on what kind of person you are, happiness and fulfillment is very subjective. Everyone has his own story when asked about what it is that makes him happy and fulfilled. Eventhough it is hard to agree on such an issue, I think the important thing to remember is that we fully identify and know ourselves. By knowing ourselves means knowing our needs, including our need for happiness. When we recognize this need, then I think it is easier for us to know where we can find happiness. This for me is what the book about Irwin’s life represents. He looked for his happiness by addressing his need to express his thoughts and his self. For me, the works that he did can make him feel that a portion of his self is being fulfilled. Talking about dreams, Dressler and Irwin, for me, are both portrayers of it. However, they represent dreams in two different faces: one is a dream in exchange for something, and two is a dream in search for something. It seems to me that Dressler’s American dream is crueler than Irwin’s dream. Although self- fulfilling, Dressler’s idea of success yields more on the financial aspect as compared to the psychological one that Irwin has. For me, that of Irwin’s is a degree higher than that of Dressler. As a result, both of them gained successes that are in two different aspects, too. What Dressler achieved is a financial success while Irwin attained a more personal one. Works Cited Millhauser, Steven. The Tale of an American Dreamer. New York: Vintage Books, 1997 Weschler, Lawrence. Seeing is Forgetting the Name of the Thing One Sees. USA: University of the California Press, 1982

Saturday, September 21, 2019

Social Insurance Essay Example for Free

Social Insurance Essay Social insurance funded programs include Social Security, Workmen’s compensation, Medicare, and unemployment benefits. Each of these programs is funded by a portion of a person’s check. A certain amount is taken out of each check and put in an â€Å"account† for future use. Some of these programs even include a match payment made by the employer. This is mostly used for Social Security. The benefits from each of these programs are used in the event of a future time of unemployment. The benefits from Social Security are used when a person is old enough to retire. Workmen’s compensation benefits are available to workers that have been hurt upon the job and are no longer able to work for a certain amount of time. Benefits that are available when a person is unemployed are only available if the person is terminated by no fault of their own. I have found that there is one major drawback to social insurance, the growth in our population. With an increase in population and a decrease in the job market, it is harder for people to go back to work when they have been laid off. Our economy at this point is still unstable. With more and more workers joining the workforce each day and our jobs being sent overseas it is easy to see the drawback to social insurance programs. The one drawback for Social Security according to Chambers Wedel (2005) is that if we are to make it to the projected year of 2040, those who are in workforce will be forced to provide a higher amount of money out of their checks. I feel that any drawback related to social insurance funding is based upon the growth in population and the decrease in our economy.

Friday, September 20, 2019

Horizontal Communication Advantages and Disadvantages

Horizontal Communication Advantages and Disadvantages A barrier to communication as defined by Waltman A communication barrier is anything that impedes the communication process. These barriers are inevitable. While they cannot be avoided, both the sender and receiver can work to minimize them. One of the main Barriers to effective communication is the channel, shown below is a diagram that shows how effective each channel is. A communication channel as defined by Waltman (2010) Communication channels-or the media through which messages are sent-can have an influence on the success of communication In this case the channel that was used by Leigh Randell was a memo so as on the media richness graph it is listed on the bottom half of the triangle which is lower media richness. Media Richness definition as stated in Mcshane and Glinow (2003) the data-carrying capacity of a communication medium including the volume and variety of information it can transmit. By choosing to write a memo Leigh Randell has used a channel that is not as effective as a Telephone call or a Face to face talk to communicate with Tom Ballard. Therefore the impact it would have on Tom Ballard was minor. For instances if she called and explained her idea to him, she could have got an instant reply from Tom Ballard and could have got his ideas also on the strategy she was developing. So this is one of the main Barriers to effective communication. Information Overload The Next Barrier is information overload as defined in Mcshane and Glinow (2003) A condition in which the volume of information received exceeds the persons capacity to process it. As stated in the case study Leigh Randell did not get any information from Tom Ballard. When questioned about the reason why he dint reply to the memo, he answered Too busy this could be a very realistic situation in which case he has so much of work that he cant even reply to memos. This could be a problem in the organization, which therefore have a major impact on the communication process. This problem can be solved to some extent by dividing the organization employees into teams there by dividing the work load. Authority, Gender and Attitude towards the sender In this case we could say that there is a problem of authority, this could be seen by the statement of Tom Ballard Besides, I dont report to her. This clearly shows that Tom Ballard is a person who does not consider ideas from people in the same level or lower levels on his job/field. Because Leigh Randell was in the same level in the organization hierarchy (shown below) Tom Ballard did not want to reply. Organization Layout Model Exhibit: Omega Airlines, Atlanta Organization Hierarchy Also we could see that gender also has an issue in this case. This is clearly seen in the statements by Tom Ballard To busy, Her question was out of sight. There was no time for me to answer this sort of request. Ive got a job to do. This shows that even though Leigh Randell was more senior in terms of experience than Tom Ballard he dint consider it and decided to ignore her memos. This also can be related to the attitude towards the sender which is another barrier that causes a lot of problems in effective communication. No, it dint look like that to me, I also had ideas on how to improve the system This shows that Tom Ballard (male) thinks his ideas are more superior to Leigh Randell (female). This is unfair to Leigh Randell who is going out of the way to help the organization. Horizontal Communication effectiveness Horizontal communication is basically when 2 employees in the same level of the organization hierarchy communicate. And in this case the effectiveness of the communication was very low. Leigh Randell used the communication method show in red three times and had no reply from Tom Ballard. Then she used the communication method (Bottom Up) which is displayed in Green and contacted Alan Brock, which was effective. We can come to an assumption that horizontal communication is not effective because the person is not compelled to reply, unlike top down communication. We can come to a clear conclusion that because of the week horizontal communication the company Organization Communication Model Exhibit: Omega Airlines, Atlanta Communication graph 2. Is anyone wrong in this situation? By what other means could Randell have requested the information from Tom Ballard? What do you think of Tom Ballards reaction? Why? a) After analyzing the case study the wrongs are as follows, Leigh Randell and Tom Ballard did wrong in various ways. First of all focusing on Leigh Randells wrong, she used a channel not suitable for inquires like that. She should have used a channel that has higher media richness such as a telephone call or a face to face discussion. Also she should have switched the communication channel after she sent the memo twice and had no reply she should have got some idea that the channel is defective. But she continued to send memos to Tom Ballard. This is wrong on her part for choosing a bad channel and kept on using the same channel after not getting any results. Next taking into consideration the wrong committed by Tom Ballard, he was wrong to read the memos and not reply to them. By not providing feedback to Leigh Randell, she was not able to continue her work, which could have beneficial to the organization. Also having own idea on the same topic does not mean others have no right to express their views. He was being very self-centred about his thinking method. This could be clearly seen from his comments at the meeting, To busy, Her question was out of sight. There was no time for me to answer this sort of request. Ive got a job to do. So finally we could say both parties committed wrong but more weighted on Tom Ballard for his ignorance and his attitudes, and for Leigh Randell she is been more traditional way of acquiring information. b) Leigh Randell had many other ways and means to contact Tom Ballard such as, Face to face meeting Video Conference Telephone call Using these modes of communication would have had a much more fruitful outcome, because media richness is high in these modes. In other words the variety and amount of information that could have been transmitted is higher. These are the recommended channels to achieve the best results. The more modern modes will be discussed in the 3rd question under recommendations but few of them are as follows. 3G Calls/ webcam Instant Messaging Google Wave Explanations will be in the recommendation part. C) Tom Ballards characters as depicted by his comments are very self cantered and arrogant in a way. This is in one way a disadvantage for him and his co-workers. This can be seen by his statements given below To busy, Her question was out of sight. There was no time for me to answer this sort of request. Ive got a job to do, Besides, I dont report to her NO, It dint look like that to me. You know also had ideas on how to improve the system for quite some time. Anyway she is going about it all wrong The behaviour shows us a basic masculine instinct of trying to show who has more power, in other words dominance. He felt threaten by her because she was trying to do his job. By Tom Ballards action it is possible to say that he is not a team player and like to work alone. This is totally unacceptable in an organization that needs allot of coordination. Also by his comment You know Ive also had ideas on how to improve the system for quite some time. This shows that he does not want express his ideas on how to improve the company but keeps them to himself. Also showing us, he does not feel part of the company. 3. a) While communicating vertically up or down the organization does not present a major problem, why is horizontal communication more difficult to attain? b) Give your recommendations to improve communication in this organization To explain this the following model is down below Organization communication model Horizontal Communication Exhibit: Omega Airlines, Atlanta Communication graph The arrow displayed in green represents horizontal communication, the green box displays the horizontal communication happening in the organization. The reason it is not effective can be that Problems In Horizontal Communication Solutions Both have equal authority/ same level of power Organization trips Mismatch of Ideas between peers in same level Get-togethers Competitiveness in the organization Organizational Parties Attitudes towards other peers Team building workshops These are problem most organizations faces and have taken steps to increase the effectiveness of horizontal communication. The importance of horizontal communication is explained by Juneja, H (2009) horizontal communication in an organization which is also very important. It is essential that people working at same level should have effective communication amongst them so that there is co-ordination between them. Workers are more likely to be more serious when it comes to communication with their superiors In this case Kent Davis summoned a hastily meeting to solve the issue that had happen in this horizontal communication, showing us that the organization is taking its communication issues seriously. Especially for an Airline which requires allot of co-ordination. For an Airlines or any organization to compete in this modern world they require the best state of the art technology in communication available. This is because communication is a key in achieving any objective. Omega Airlines needs to improve its communication technology to overcome future problems. A quote from an article by Baker, K.A. (2002) , new communication technologies can enable almost every aspect of organizational management and effectiveness, including change management, knowledge management, participative management, innovation, and organizational partnerships and alliances Server/ Database Creation My recommendation firstly to build a Server or Database where only organization employees can access and store all data that can be used by other employees. This will not only speed up the information distribution and communication process but also organize the data in one place so all records can be viewed 24/7 365 days. Source: Google images 2010 Video Conferencing/ webcam/ 3G calls This is a new way that modern companies contact employees, because the media richness is higher in a video call than a normal telephone call. And it is proven than visual communication has a bigger impact or stays in the brain/ memory much longer. Source: Cisco Official Website 2010 Instant Messaging These are Messaging programs that are very user friendly and do not take long to reply. For example when sending an email you have to get the address and then after sending you have to wait for a reply. But with instant messaging software its not necessary, once the person comes to the organization he can login and any message will be sent and replied to instantly. Also the best thing its all free. Source: Google images 2010 Google Wave Source: Google wave website 2010 Google wave is a new technology that is revolutionizing the organization communication process. The description as given in Google (2010) Google Wave is an online tool for real-time communication and collaboration, A wave can be both a conversation and a document where people can discuss and work together using richly formatted text, photos, videos, maps, and more. In other words this plays the roles of an instant messenger, video conference software also it has the features of an email message. This is the future. As a conclusion, by implementing these technologies all aspects of the organization will be improved drastically, especially in organization such as this where communication is KEY. Having technology is one thing but for people to adapt is the difficult part. But all the technology and software that was said here are very user friendly easy to use and easy to update. There by not only will make the organization a better more efficient organization but also an up to date one. And will give an assurance that incident like this between Leigh Randell and Tom Ballard not happen again.

Thursday, September 19, 2019

Things Fall Apart Essay example -- essays research papers

Chinua Achebe's Things Fall Apart shows an odd similarity between the cultures of Ancient Greece and the Lower Niger. Despite the fact that two societies can exist during different periods of time and have conflicting cultural values, their stories and behavior can have surprising overlaps. Things Fall Apart is structured like a Greek Tragedy in its use of a chorus and in the presence of a tragic hero whose actions ultimately lead to his downfall. The Egwugwu from Things Fall Apart act like the chorus in a Greek Tragedy, such as Antigone. These figures, the elders of society who speak in behalf of the spirits, are present to provide background information and extra news It is imperative for the audience to know of this information for them to follow plot development. In both situations, these groups are the elders of the culture. A member of the Egwugwu tells Okonkwo to not take part in the killing of Ikemefuna, but Okonkwo disobeys the order and slays Ikemefuna himself. Just as the chorus of a Greek Tragedy relays the messages of the gods to the citizens of the town, during certain rituals, the Egwugwu convey the teachings of important spirits. Their influence is displayed when they hear the case of Uzowulu, who is soon forced to beg his wife to return to him. This shows that the orders of the Egwugwu are always followed, weather the citizens want to or not. These teachings and directions are not alterable, and must always be obeyed. Like the heroes of Greek Tragedy, Okonk...

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Comparing Love in Go Tell It on the Mountain, Giovannis Room, and Anot

     Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Baldwin’s first three novels -Go Tell It on the Mountain, Giovanni's Room, and Another Country-boil over with anger, prejudice, and hatred, yet the primary force his characters must contend with is love.   Not meek or mawkish but "...something active, more like fire, like the wind" (qtd. in O'Neale 126), Baldwin's notion of love can conquer the horrors of society and pave the way to "emotional security" (Kinnamon 5).   His recipe calls for a determined identity, a confrontation with and acceptance of reality, and finally, an open, committed relationship.   Though Baldwin's characters desperately need love, they fail to meet these individual requirements, and the seeds of love they sow never take root and grow to fruition.    Baldwin's fixation with love, especially a love perpetually denied, arises from his past, which colors must of his writings.   Baldwin never knew his father.   He endured the brunt of his stepfather's abuse simply because he was not his true son.   Similarly, Baldwin's characters never receive familial love and are cast out, with neither support nor an understanding of love, into a world of hatred.   Baldwin never forgot his cold, strict, intolerant stepfather, David Baldwin, and this failed relationship between father and son forms the basis for his first novel, Go Tell It on the Mountain.   Also fundamental to Baldwin's works is his homosexuality, which plays a predominate role in Giovanni's Room and Another Country.   He favors the homosexual characters, who come closest to achieving love, not merely on account of their sexuality, but because they tend to meet more of Baldwin's prerequisites: "In his most elegant formulation, [Baldwin] remarked that the word homosexual might be an adjective, perhaps a... ...unity."   MELUS 10 (1983), 27-31.   Rpt. in Fred L. Standley and Nancy V. Burt.   Critical Essays on James Baldwin.   Boston: G. K. Hall, 1988. O'Neale, Sondra A.   "Fathers, Gods, and Religion: Perceptions of Christianity and Ethnic Faith in James Baldwin."   In Fred L. Standley and Nancy V. Burt.   Critical Essays on James Baldwin.   Boston: G. K. Hall, 1988. Pratt, Louis H. James Baldwin.   Boston: Twayne, 1978. Rosenblatt, Roger.   "Out of Control: Go Tell It on the Mountain and Another Country."   In Black Fiction.   N.p.: Harvard University, 1974.   Rpt. in Harold Bloom ed.   James Baldwin.   New York: Chelsea House, 1986. Standley, Fred L.   "James Baldwin: The Artist as Incorrigible Disturber of the Peace." Southern Humanities Review 4 (1970), 18-30.   Rpt. in Fred L. Standley and Nancy V. Burt.   Critical Essays on James Baldwin.   Boston: G. K. Hall, 1988. Comparing Love in Go Tell It on the Mountain, Giovanni's Room, and Anot      Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Baldwin’s first three novels -Go Tell It on the Mountain, Giovanni's Room, and Another Country-boil over with anger, prejudice, and hatred, yet the primary force his characters must contend with is love.   Not meek or mawkish but "...something active, more like fire, like the wind" (qtd. in O'Neale 126), Baldwin's notion of love can conquer the horrors of society and pave the way to "emotional security" (Kinnamon 5).   His recipe calls for a determined identity, a confrontation with and acceptance of reality, and finally, an open, committed relationship.   Though Baldwin's characters desperately need love, they fail to meet these individual requirements, and the seeds of love they sow never take root and grow to fruition.    Baldwin's fixation with love, especially a love perpetually denied, arises from his past, which colors must of his writings.   Baldwin never knew his father.   He endured the brunt of his stepfather's abuse simply because he was not his true son.   Similarly, Baldwin's characters never receive familial love and are cast out, with neither support nor an understanding of love, into a world of hatred.   Baldwin never forgot his cold, strict, intolerant stepfather, David Baldwin, and this failed relationship between father and son forms the basis for his first novel, Go Tell It on the Mountain.   Also fundamental to Baldwin's works is his homosexuality, which plays a predominate role in Giovanni's Room and Another Country.   He favors the homosexual characters, who come closest to achieving love, not merely on account of their sexuality, but because they tend to meet more of Baldwin's prerequisites: "In his most elegant formulation, [Baldwin] remarked that the word homosexual might be an adjective, perhaps a... ...unity."   MELUS 10 (1983), 27-31.   Rpt. in Fred L. Standley and Nancy V. Burt.   Critical Essays on James Baldwin.   Boston: G. K. Hall, 1988. O'Neale, Sondra A.   "Fathers, Gods, and Religion: Perceptions of Christianity and Ethnic Faith in James Baldwin."   In Fred L. Standley and Nancy V. Burt.   Critical Essays on James Baldwin.   Boston: G. K. Hall, 1988. Pratt, Louis H. James Baldwin.   Boston: Twayne, 1978. Rosenblatt, Roger.   "Out of Control: Go Tell It on the Mountain and Another Country."   In Black Fiction.   N.p.: Harvard University, 1974.   Rpt. in Harold Bloom ed.   James Baldwin.   New York: Chelsea House, 1986. Standley, Fred L.   "James Baldwin: The Artist as Incorrigible Disturber of the Peace." Southern Humanities Review 4 (1970), 18-30.   Rpt. in Fred L. Standley and Nancy V. Burt.   Critical Essays on James Baldwin.   Boston: G. K. Hall, 1988.